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The heart of Dance Teachers Academy Podcast is to interview top dancers,
dance champions and experts to inspire, instruct and motivate
dancers of all styles and levels.


-Ep 68-

Tatiana Seliverstova World and National American Smooth Vice Champion

-Ep 67-

Jean Dorff-

A Dancer's Movement

to Stop Sexual Abuse


-Ep 66-

How Wayne Eng Embraces

the World from A Safe

Social Distance!


-Ep 65-

Natalia Maidiuk

and Manuel Favilla


-Ep 64-

Texas Tornadoes and Other Challenges Don't Stop EverDance


-Ep 63-

"Body Esteem: Piece of Cake & Peace of Mind"


-Ep 62-

J.J. Jackson and

Progressive Country


-Ep 61-

How To Navigate

The Waters Of Competitive Dancing With Nazar Norov


-Ep 60-

Sam Sodano

Sam Sodano...nuff said.


-Ep 59-

Marzena Stachura

and Slawek Sochacki

Marzena Stachura and Slawek Sochacki.


-Ep 58-

 Olga Foraponova

Olga Foraponova


-Ep 57-

Always Super Stars Jenell

and Jim Maranto


-Ep 56-
The Sexy David Estrada
from the 30th Anniversary Emerald Ball!

-Ep 55-

The Effervescent Kasia Kozak at The 30th Anniversary Emerald Ball

On this episode of Dance Teachers Academy- Kasia Kozak is electric!


-Ep 54-

Toby and Harmony Munroe, Emerald Ball 30th Anniversary


-Ep 53-

Mayo Alanen Emerald Ball 30th Anniversary


-Ep 52-

Nadia Eftedal, Emerald Ball 30th Anniversary


-Ep 51-

Justinas Duknauskas,

Emerald Ball 30th Anniversary


-Ep 50-

How To Take Control of Your Dancing-YOU Are The Key!

-Ep 49-

How Dance Helped a

7 Foot Purple Dinosaur

Named Barney

Z23 How dance helped a 7 foot purple din

-Ep 48-

World Ballroom Dance Champions Katusha Demidova and Arunas Bizokas

Z22 World ballroom dance championships K

-Ep 47-

How To Share The Beauty

Of Dancing And Inspire

The Audience

Z21 How to share the beauty of dancing a

-Ep 46-

How A Song Can Inspire

A Dance Masterpiece

Z20 How a song can inspire a masterpiece
Z19 How did progressive double two step

-Ep 45-

How Did Progressive Double Two Step Develop?

-Ep 44-

John DePalma is The Voice

of Ballroom Dancing Competitions

Z18 John DePalma is the voice of ballroo

-Ep 43-

What to Expect at this year's Emerald Ball 30 Year Anniversary

Z17 What to expect at this years Emerald

-Ep 42-

AJ Amyx - Top Ten in Business Coaching Services

Z16 AJ Amyx Top ten in business coaching
Z15 Jean Dorff author of Broken Silence.

-Ep 41a-

Jean Dorff- author



-Ep 41-

Jean Dorff- author of "BROKEN SILENCE"

-Ep 40-

How to dance and travel

in Optimum Health

Z14 How to danceand travel in optimum he

-Ep 39-

How to perform with

the audience in mind

Z13 How to perform with the audience in

-Ep 38-

Hugo Patyn and Celina Rotundo bring Argentine Tango to the world

Z12 Hugo Patyn and Celina Rotundo bring
Z11 How to create your dance look withou

-Ep 37-

How to create your dance look without damaging

your body

-Ep 36-

The incomparable

Corky Ballas

Z10 The incomparable Corky Ballas.jpg

-Ep 35-

Carolina Orlovsky-How to pursue your dance dreams

Z9 Carolina Orlovsky How to persue your

-Ep 34-

Ron Montez

Z8 Ron Montez.jpg

-Ep 33-

Julia Gorchakova and

Bob Powers-Legends!

Z7 Julia Gorchakova and Bob Powers Legen

-Ep 32-

How to get relief from back pain and migraines

Z6 How to get relief from back pain and

-Ep 31-

Connect through dancing - the conversation

Z5 Connect through dancing the conversat

-Ep 30-

How to have the heart

to win-David Hamilton's

Dance Story

Z4 How to have the heart to win David Ha

-Ep 29-

Dress for success

Z3 Dress for succes.jpg

-Ep 28-

How To Be A Beautiful

Part Of This World


-Ep 27a-

How To Be

Powerfully Feminine

Z2 How to be powerfully feminine.jpg

-Ep 27-

How to be

powerfully feminine

Z2 How to be powerfully feminine.jpg

-Ep 26-

How this young lady battled her suicidal thoughts

Z1 This young lady battled her suicidal

-Ep 25-

DanceVision's Wayne Eng.

Z Dancevisions wayne eng dancevision com

-Ep 24a-

How To Create Your Own Art On The Dance Floor!


-Ep 24-

How to create your own

art on the dance floor

Y How to create your own art on the danc

-Ep 23a-

How To Trail Blaze The Dance Industry and Still Be On Top!

X How to trail blaze the dance industry

-Ep 23-

How to trail blaze the dance industry and still be on top

X How to trail blaze the dance industry

-Ep 22a-

How To Build

Self Confidence

W How to build self confidence.jpg

-Ep 22-

How to build self confidence

W How to build self confidence.jpg
V When to say enough is enough.jpg

-Ep 21a-

When to say

enough is enough

-Ep 21-

When to say

enough is enough

V When to say enough is enough.jpg

-Ep 20-

How to choose a proper

dance attire

U How to choose a proper dance

-Ep 19-

How to travel the world

while dancing

T How to travel the world while dancing.

-Ep 18-

Dancing increases

brain function

S Dancing increases brain function.jpg

-Ep 17-

From computer programmer

to gold level dance student

R From computer programer to gold level
Q Evolution TAngo.jpg

-Ep 16-

Evolution Tango

-Ep 15-

Divorce care

P Divorce care.jpg

-Ep 14c-

Dance Teachers Academy Holiday Greetings

Dance Teachers Academy Holiday Greeting.

-Ep 14b-

Andrew Smart and

the Politics of Dancing

Dance Teachers Academy Interview with An

-Ep 14a-

Interview with Anna Smart of World Promotions Inc

Dance Teachers Academy Interview with An

-Ep 14-

What makes a good

dance instructor?

O What makes a good dance instructor.jpg

-Ep 13-

How prformance improves your dancing and dancing improves your life

N How Performance improves your dancing

-Ep 12-

How to be a gentleman

on the dance floor

M How to be a gentelman on the dance flo

-Ep 11-
You can't dance
without music

L You cant dance with out music.jpg

-Ep 10-

How to run the United States dance championships

during a hurricane

K How to run the united states dance cha

-Ep 09-

The politics of dancing

J The politics of dancing.jpg

-Ep 08-

How to keep it positive

with Chad Graver

I How to keep it positive with chad grav

-Ep o8-

Love a child, don't harm them


-Ep 07-

What is an episodic career?

H What is an episodic carrer.jpg

-Ep o7-

Luqman Rashada


-Ep 06a-


Canvassing DFW.JPG
G On the road in san antnio.jpg

-Ep 06-

On the road in San Antonio

-Ep 06-

How to get motivated

to grow your dance business


B How to get motivated to grow your danc

-Ep 05-


can change your life

F Dancing can change your life.jpg

-Ep 05-

Competition Dancing

A Competition Dancing.jpg

-Ep 04-

What's the proper nutrition for a succesful dancer

E Whats the proper nutrition for a succe

-Ep o4-

Special Guest Rebeka Boling

D What training does it take to become a

-Ep 03-

What training does it take to become a dance teacher

-Ep 03- 

Welcome Jean Dorff


-Ep o2- 

Rapping With "Cuttication"



-Ep o2-

How to become

a dance teacher

C The road to becoming a dance teacher.j

-Ep o1-

The Pivot Podcast

01 The Pivot Podcast.JPG

-Ep o1-

Lighting the candle

01 Lighting the Candle.JPG

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